The Beauty of It All

On the flight from Istanbul to Riyadh, I noticed that two or three Saudi women were not covered.  They were dressed in skinny jeans and shirts, and had apparently been doing a lot of shopping in Istanbul, ’cause their arms were filled with bags from different designer stores.  What struck me was their beauty.  They all had insanely long, thick black hair, beautiful long lashed eyes, and figures that I can only wish for. 

By the time we landed in Riyadh, they had covered themselves.  Disembarking from the plane, I was greeted with “Welcome Back.”  I only replied thank you.

In the line at the airport were the most gorgeous men I have ever seen.  Tall, short, different hues of brown and black but with a symmetry in dress.  Mostly all of them wore traditional Arab dress.  An ankle length shirt in white, tan, or a very light brown, and sandals.  Some wore the traditional head dress, and some did not.  I had to force myself not to stare at them, and pretended to look straight ahead.

As I’ve moved around Riyadh over the past few days, I’ve noticed that more often than not, both the men and the women wear the traditional dress.  I’ve also noticed that many speak English.  I’ve seen some visitors ask “Do you speak English?” to the various shop employees.  I don’t ask, I just speak. Maybe that’s impolite, but 9 times out of 10 they respond to my question or comment in English, and don’t seem at all offended that I did not ask. 

I think I could sit all day and look at the beautiful men,  very pretty children, and women who seem to glide effortlessly in their abayas.  They are a striking people who are polite and patient. 

I am feeling a calmness that I haven’t felt in a long time.  But, I still need to learn how not to trip over my abaya as I’m walking, and how to properly wrap the scarf around my head.  Nevertheless, I think I’m gonna like it here.


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One of the Gorgeous Guys

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